Security Tailgating System

Why do security tailgating systems already in the marketplace fail?  For one, they aren't truly systems.  The main reason is they are not a system as they are simple light beams which have very high false alarm rates which become expensive to a business because the security staff is wasting time chasing "ghosts" in most cases.  Here are some competitor weaknesses when you make a security tailgating solution investment:

  • Close proximity spoofing such as side by side entrance
  • People with stuff such as luggage, roller bags, laptops, large purses, boxes
  • Loitering near entrance for others to credential into secured spaces
  • Light & environmental factors
  • Not capable of learning new use cases which increase false positives or missed issues
  • Alarm fatigue is expensive
    • Increased staffing needed to cover false alarms
    • Staff effectiveness decreases “chasing ghosts” which impacts actual security situations
    • Many companies shut down “dumb” systems within a year which is a waste of their investment

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